Our long awaited Feng Shui course is starting!
Learning the art of Feng Shui can widen your horizons and view on Mother Nature. Understand the flow of Chi. Learn about layouts that can benefit you and your family. Use Feng Shui to better your life and the lives of those around you. 学好风水命理 , 帮助自己帮助朋友。 你会对世界有新的看法。 黄师傅终于开班教风水了 , 黄师傅风水实战经验让你对风水有另一个了解。 如何运用宇宙环境之气来帮助自己 如何了解先天八卦 如何调和气 如何设立自己的风水布局 有兴趣又很喜欢风水的朋友一定要学。 报名 / Register: 91395036 / 64550090 |