#Yearly Luck Cycle Analysis
#Bazi Analysis
#Lucky Flying Stars Audit
#YES Feng Shui Analysis Package
#Auspicious Marriage Package
#Residential Property Moving In (New Purchase) Package
#BTO 或转售(标准 HDB 和公寓)- 平面图分析
#BTO or Resale (standard HDB and Condos) Floor Plan Analysis
无论您的企业是办公单位、零售商店还是工业建筑,风水不可避免地会影响您的运营和员工的生产力。 基于我们对关键员工的八字和环境的分析,我们确保您的风水得到优化,以确保顺利运行。 如果您正在做出业务决策或着手开展项目,我们还可以根据科学方法为您提供某些原因和影响的建议。
Whether your business is an office unit, a retail shop or an industrial building, Feng Shui inevitably affects your operations and your employees' productivity. Basing our analysis on key employees' Bazi and the environment, we make sure that your Feng Shui is optimized to ensure smooth operations. We can also advise you, based on a scientific approach, on certain causes and effects should you be making a business decision or embarking on a project.
让您的八字与环境的能量和磁场保持一致,我们保证您的家将成为一个提供舒适、宁静和休息的地方,为您的能量充电。 良好的房屋风水基础扎实,可以推动您实现生活的潜力。 您的家人也将安心地知道他们的个人福祉正在受到保护。
Aligning your Bazi with the environment's energies and magnetic field, we assure that your home will be a place providing comfort, peace and rest, to recharge your energies. A good house Feng Shui with a solid foundation can propel you to realize the potential of your life. Your family members will also have a peace of knowing that their personal well-being is being protected.
我们的分析基于四柱八字、五行和十神。 了解您来年的运气是一种常见的做法,您可以有机会将好运最大化,并在运气不佳的几个月内减少损失。 获取一份关于您八字的分析报告,以揭示生活的各个方面,如职业与商业、感情与婚姻、财富与投资等。
Our Bazi Analysis is based on the 4 Pillars of Destiny, 5 Elements and 10 Gods. It is a common practice to understand your luck for the coming year to have the opportunity to maximize your good luck when it comes, and minimize losses during months when luck is low. Get a comprehensive report on your Bazi to shed light on various aspects of your life such as Career & Business, Romance & Marriage, Wealth & Investment, etc.
良好的家庭风水有助于提高我们的舒适、和平与和谐。 选择一个好房子是重要的第一步。 我们帮助您将八字与最合适的房屋匹配,以便收取完整的支持,让您安心舒适的充值所需的正能量。
A good home Feng Shui helps to increase our level of comfort, peace and harmony. Choosing a good home is the first step to just that. We help in matching your Bazi to the house that is most suitable so that the home can support you fully and give you the needed energies to recharge.
由于现代房屋布局,佛像或神灵的正确放置对于您房屋的整体呈现至关重要,除了可以让您保持平静安稳的心情,还能够增强您对宗教信仰的信心。 我们会以房产和家具布局的整体评估中推荐放置,或者融入您所喜欢的家居装饰,或者尽量减少居住房产中家具的重新布置。
Due to the modern day housing layout, a correct placement of Buddha or Deity is vital in an overall presentation of your house, it also provides a peace of mind and boost a sense of confidence in your religious belief. We will recommend the placement from an overall assessment of the property and furniture’s layout, either blending into your preferred home decorations, or minimizing furniture rearrangement in habited property. |
自 2015 年以来,黄梽翔师傅一直在分享和传授关于八字和风水的知识。年复一年,我们的学生受益于与黄师傅的密切交流,不断学习和改进。 所实施的课程着重于充分理解基础知识,使学习者能够轻松地通过更高的学习。
We have been sharing and imparting our knowledge on Bazi and Feng Shui since 2015. Year on year, our students have benefitted from the close correspondence with Master Joe in keeping up the learnings and improvements. The courses implemented follows a focus on understanding the basics fully, allowing the learners to advance through the higher learnings easily. |