Everytime when the most important one , the mic always got cut off.
So the 1st Criteria is been cut off. I just type here for everyone easy to read it. 【 Think Dzambhala don't want alot people to know. Hahaha... 】 Here is the criteria 1st ) If you own earth element like properties and land and space here might be a chances for you win through this crisis. And if you are considering to sel your property to buy the next property you will earn from it. It's a auspicious sign ! -------------------------------------------------------------------- 解释 这个 机会的 道理 可以从 “易经” 的 坎卦来了解 。 今年为庚子年 , 水势转强 , 火势自然弱 。 水在易经里用 “ 坎 ” 卦 来代表水。 而现在大家都知道水是危险的, 就像现在的流感就象征水。 把“坎”字分出来看 , 一边是 土字 , 一边是 欠字。 就是缺少土的意思 。 人是活在地上的,所以离不开土。 一旦“欠土” , 就是缺少了土的话 。 人就危险。 所以现在只要拥有土就会安全。 所以“土” 的行业自然是最重要的, 但也是不容易的。 |